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Ethereum block 6964163

Time 2019-12-14 09:01:16
Transactions 0
Internal 0
Token transfers 0
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 525 bytes
Gas used 0
Gas limit 7 984 386
Difficulty 1 377 857 694
Total difficulty 29 475 654 630 281 648
Nonce 0xf0f3afc37cf9ea84
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0ETH
Total reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Uncles reward 0ETH
Block 0x55dcb65ba89baccb283b003feddff90ba26f6014226ad8594cb90fd8074ce131
Previous block 0xa8b52a42ec4793093a6d52ab7f31c419e1cfdab7641f33a239827a85c51d7acd
Next block 0x26d40ac0856dca14b1aab758501c8377fb8d5b1cb7db118899a22820d6f98984
Transactions root 0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
State root 0x064f0ed66f6751bce08d7c52b129b20971556e875381589180fc4ee143d5ffda
Receipts root 0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421
Sha3 uncles 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
Extra data hex 0x706f6f6c696e2e636f6d
Extra data text
Block transactions