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Ethereum block 8489852

Time 2020-08-13 16:59:51
Transactions 2
Internal 13
Token transfers 0
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 1 375 bytes
Gas used 734 546
Gas limit 47 353 636
Difficulty 1 432 260 957
Total difficulty 31 297 120 761 074 576
Nonce 0xcc3e79e001b58f42
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.000734546000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0ETH
Total reward 2.000734546000000000ETH
Uncles reward 0ETH
Block 0xc3eb4c7cecc91fde935b1ae9f78cdae6a9bde544aab46735219f8ff58915bf2d
Previous block 0x5391a24ad4ef56658b21db21af78357ad4f6581b9e66b90329b5c1abe494d7b3
Next block 0x4df8588661b23066909d2ec82a60f4f3baa3a5fb1d7bfe5b0b8c39360765620e
Transactions root 0x2f4e5c3a5ea09decb2aa2511e05dfc2ad2d4149de39b33f33863a2fea39e4cb1
State root 0x29239d6552601eef1a231e51456fedc455644720339211cee3cacbfd36d2737c
Receipts root 0x5198d01cb2cbfe0e3d9a4f651fb91102cd6fbc55be3a0ecf7c4aef7e68f56249
Sha3 uncles 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
Extra data hex 0xd883010913846765746888676f312e31342e32856c696e7578
Extra data text ؃gethgo1.14.2linux
Block transactions
0 legacy internal events gas price 1 gwei
1 legacy failed internal gas price 1 gwei