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Ethereum block 6921678

Time 2019-12-07 07:35:51
Transactions 5
Internal 0
Token transfers 3
Largest amount transaction 1.500000000000000000ETH
Size 2 489 bytes
Gas used 502 059
Gas limit 8 000 000
Difficulty 11 079 127 738
Total difficulty 29 042 421 284 646 405
Nonce 0xab7892004c31560
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.001705062000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0.062500000000000000ETH
Total reward 2.064205062000000000ETH
Uncles reward 1.750000000000000000ETH
Block 0x499f311f4319d8a502315594c06eb524c2ec48bca77290ec9689414ba3047aee
Previous block 0x820fa493cd2403fa7d77e2e9a04bd4ebe605e22f15f44e3f503e0b2e12d3361d
Next block 0x6e0ec6853e46b98ee0dccf1ac7e722059af6f4085d4800367cfb523e7a442f0e
Transactions root 0x213f3f1f1ce62511c1f7fcdd1fe75044499292e87c71fe38c07f22da7ccc4256
State root 0xbe066c36a30d22184ba574496972f2e5049894f010bc69cbd19cab26a8d6c386
Receipts root 0xa94dfb6c6f21d10a48c2e09aa02ad8b5c8f8b27635357d5c024ade8017d880c0
Uncles 0x01260a5badd3375008e8b778eeae90affe89e56ecc1acd28780acdb8bb1bace9
Sha3 uncles 0x380da9b6ec447217606aeece0b41b5e3e694db5848ccd559f7d8242d1855291e
Extra data hex 0xd983010906846765746889676f312e31312e3133856c696e7578
Extra data text كgethgo1.11.13linux
Block transactions
0 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 5 gwei
1 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 5 gwei
3 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 2 gwei