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Ethereum block 8489707

Time 2020-08-13 16:37:51
Transactions 1
Internal 2
Token transfers 1
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 661 bytes
Gas used 40 568
Gas limit 47 404 659
Difficulty 1 387 545 247
Total difficulty 31 296 916 539 610 197
Nonce 0xf28fdae339c514d3
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.010162284000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0ETH
Total reward 2.010162284000000000ETH
Uncles reward 0ETH
Block 0xa65666efe748fc5498c21a1d4619f7420c1e211c2fb1e9dbaa234f07a13e9b1c
Previous block 0xea01ead29c6beeff333eb4e4d00785c6f481f6a20ba0a30ab8cec0bfa3d1403c
Next block 0x0c00b8a614acd8234abf7f7032a42aa9406ab02c6b156508e7f11f0bdba8d8ca
Transactions root 0x12cb89e7f835efee3d7057ea270175812294143b42cd55a44da22572bf668873
State root 0x61b2a6a72cfad79f8e777fd2a96808e3c02c9708510ab4a0f047e60c9a13a3c7
Receipts root 0xa51128dd03bdcbc0ba69584bae7bd843410461fd14c20441c24d36166b745c12
Sha3 uncles 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
Extra data hex 0x74657374
Extra data text test
Block transactions
0 legacy internal tokentransfer events gas price 250 gwei