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Ethereum block 8916711

Time 2020-10-20 20:34:14
Transactions 1
Internal 4
Token transfers 0
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 784 bytes
Gas used 113 184
Gas limit 8 000 029
Difficulty 772 449 976
Total difficulty 31 779 274 023 975 294
Nonce 0xc25a2337ca65c781
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.000339552000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0ETH
Total reward 2.000339552000000000ETH
Uncles reward 0ETH
Block 0xc00745feb6cfa9bbf70bc295ebec6c0e6444f461378ac6f21434019260fdf6b3
Previous block 0xdfeac962e9f42a74735bd2ebbd33867e0c17eadb798c633e74d930b3c4cf12cf
Next block 0x7bfe7b35a4450263cedb04ca21c131f5379739e31e78d1f68c7a98cdf32ffa6a
Transactions root 0x3deb3a6d900587990cbb799836eab106f0bae6793199e7999e3bbda010d9924f
State root 0x293732a7a3ca825c75fd0c3c58df17506084347f4e2966ef5445cb22da345ef4
Receipts root 0xa732dbfd80035d416f49db22810c92a7f60422403d2671745e4c1286e7a4c3a0
Sha3 uncles 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
Extra data hex 0xdb830300018c4f70656e457468657265756d86312e34332e31826c69
Extra data text ۃOpenEthereum1.43.1li
Block transactions
0 legacy internal events gas price 3 gwei