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Ethereum block 8927814

Time 2020-10-22 13:28:42
Transactions 6
Internal 1
Token transfers 2
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 22 050 bytes
Gas used 4 352 819
Gas limit 8 000 000
Difficulty 970 567 168
Total difficulty 31 787 947 177 951 296
Nonce 0xb7fdc10dd79229e0
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.089192686000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0ETH
Total reward 2.089192686000000000ETH
Uncles reward 0ETH
Block 0x6eb307bb954a034a12f708305a42f95d651a2ccd74dd364c499f3bfc25751d27
Previous block 0x1d803f06481c2af54d854df7f428e5fa47da76c54d4879805f3c3a7fa655b2fd
Next block 0x8d741a20065a58d24815e49b89f6f86442cf31e44ab5903fcabe0ade486ff551
Transactions root 0xd92b11a7563608e5a5ffcb10dd3c124cb73ad51f483afb2d7951df08ecc99503
State root 0x78d1d24e7ac8e8fe7403903ead118c965b51b9378e901e1e614db0c449c81b7b
Receipts root 0x1f7352e8a468b7143ef59d995db6855c53065657ce9b0b46c5bfd748da893882
Sha3 uncles 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
Extra data hex 0xd883010916846765746888676f312e31352e32856c696e7578
Extra data text ؃gethgo1.15.2linux
Block transactions
1 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 38 gwei
2 legacy createcontract internal tokentransfer events gas price 20 gwei