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Ethereum block 9775778

Time 2021-03-04 17:29:11
Transactions 16
Internal 19
Token transfers 2
Largest amount transaction 0ETH
Size 104 797 bytes
Gas used 4 299 001
Gas limit 8 000 000
Difficulty 543 344 815
Total difficulty 32 943 746 341 605 304
Nonce 0x26a564ab6a1ef7de
Block reward 2.000000000000000000ETH
Fee reward 0.027251473000000000ETH
Uncles inclusion reward 0.062500000000000000ETH
Total reward 2.089751473000000000ETH
Uncles reward 1.500000000000000000ETH
Block 0x20d8a1674701e3442883d2c5139d3a98e2990fc503d8210d637aa69e41288d89
Previous block 0x67e8f86be6a20020a9d9151eb3c6fcfaad7492e61a4ec10db16cac2fc589f895
Next block 0xf1f79c230bee7b3a77df8a13fe5e45735d38daf4d9f492610fb52be492a1c9b7
Transactions root 0x2bcf61cfb0a0a02ec3b55321743650ad1e4026232fd2f15429325d805245468e
State root 0x12ebd492f48da5e8dfb762fc69c4358e94d783ab4cb5cc59ebc3d9b18014b423
Receipts root 0x2bc7558d9808bc829ff291472a2a34409600e314ab80e312d7ed71d97dda3e09
Uncles 0xf7f9489d18624e08bc97848720c6fe5da4cb99f47c3754c9209bf233c1c31253
Sha3 uncles 0xcbfa4882b5340db223e0bbc408ba746afc9a50097358234cb5eeda7e4548725b
Extra data hex 0xd683010a00846765746886676f312e3136856c696e7578
Extra data text փgethgo1.16linux
Block transactions
3 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 22 gwei
5 legacy tokentransfer events gas price 5 gwei
15 legacy internal events gas price 5 gwei